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We offer multiple locations. Please visit our Locations & Dentists page to find a dentist near you...
Yes, we offer a variety of early morning, evening and weekend hours. Please see our Location or Dentist page for hours specific to each office.
Scheduling an appointment is preferred; however, if you are in pain, we will see you as soon as possible; so please go to our locations page and give us a call. For routine care, we will do our very best to accommodate you.
Please visit our Locations & Dentists pages to find out more about each office and our dentists.
We offer a comprehensive suite of services. Please go to our service section in the main navigation for a description of services and visit our Locations page to see which services a particular location offers. We can usually provide the services you desire in your local office. If not, we can often refer you to a dentist or specialist in one of our other offices nearby who can tend to your needs. We are proud of the fact that we can almost always address your needs without referring you to an outside specialist who may not be affiliated with our group.
Bleeding and sensitive gums can occur due to many factors, including medical problems, pregnancy, build-up of plaque, periodontal (gum) disease or improper brushing and flossing. Plaque increases bacteria in the mouth and more bacteria can contribute to swollen gums that can bleed easily. Talk with your dentist for more information.
Tell the patient coordinator about your dental fears when you make your appointment. When you come in for your appointment, our dental team and staff will do everything possible to make your experience positive.
We recommend twice-yearly checkups and dental cleanings. Individuals with special dental needs may need more frequent visits. Talk to your dentist for specific needs and follow-up procedures to determine what is best for you.
Fillings may need to be replaced due to age of the filling or simple wear over time. Your dentist can determine if any fillings should be replaced. Let your dentist know if you are experiencing any pain.
Similar discomfort or sensation may occur with either situation. The dentist will need to assess the tooth to determine the proper diagnosis. Please call a practice near you to schedule an appointment.
We strive to conform to the highest standards regarding infection control. All dental professionals are trained to follow an infection control protocol when treating patients.
Tooth decay causes cavities and destroys tooth structure. It can spread if left unchecked and affect both the tooth enamel and the inner layer of the tooth (dentin). Tooth decay occurs when foods containing sugars and starches are left on the teeth. Bacteria live in the mouth, and they cause these foods to turn into acids. The bacteria, acid, food debris, and saliva combine to form bacterial plaque. Plaque is a sticky, colorless film that sticks to teeth. The acids in plaque stick to teeth, dissolve the enamel, and may create holes called cavities. Regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste and flossing can help prevent tooth decay. The main reason that children are more likely to have new cavities is because their teeth are still developing and are less mineralized (or are softer) than adult teeth. A child’s teeth will not be fully developed until their late teenage years. During this period it is important to be sure that the area where the teeth meet the gums is being brushed well enough to remove all plaque and food particles. This will prevent decay from forming at the gum line and maintain healthy gums. Having your child floss every day is an excellent way to develop a healthy flossing habit. Sealants can be applied to all the adult back teeth and will help prevent cavities on the chewing surface where food and bacteria can be present in the deeper grooves of the teeth. Your dentist can give you information on a regular fluoride program for your child to help in the fight against tooth decay.
If you’ve visited the toothpaste aisle in your local store lately, you’ll find there is a huge variety of toothpastes available. Many of them are targeting multiple dental issues such as whitening with tartar control or freshening breath with whitening. It is the process of mechanically removing food particles off the surface of the teeth (and flossing between the teeth) that is most important. Allowing food particles to remain on the surface of your teeth is what allows the process of tooth decay to begin. The most important thing is regular brushing /flossing and using toothpaste that contains fluoride. Toothpaste choice is really about taste and personal preference. If you have sensitive teeth, there are also a number of toothpastes available to help alleviate sensitivity. Talk with your dentist for more information.
Flossing regularly in combination with brushing may be the single most important thing you can do for your mouth. It has been said that your mouth is a door to your body. Many things that enter the body come in through your mouth, whether it is food, liquids or bacteria. Bad and harmful bacteria, which are located in dental plaque, cannot be removed only by brushing alone and will remain in your mouth. Plaque is a soft and white accumulation of micro-organisms. It contains about 400 different species of bacteria, and billions of individual germs in each milligram of plaque. Some of these germs can be very damaging for the teeth or the gums when they gather in thick layers. Dentists and dental hygienists always insist on the importance of flossing, and recommend doing it twice a day. Here are some good reasons why you should floss regularly: Floss to prevent tooth decay. Dental plaque can cause cavities if it’s left between teeth. When mixed with sugar or starches, the bacteria that live in plaque can start the process of tooth decay. This is why it’s bad for plaque to be left in your mouth. Brushing alone does not clean in between teeth, only dental floss can remove plaque in those areas. Floss to prevent gum disease. Gingivitis (inflammation of gums) is the first stage of gum disease (periodontal disease). It is caused by an accumulation of plaque around gums and between teeth. Flossing is important to remove all plaque accumulated on the teeth. Floss to prevent halitosis. Dental plaque is one of the causes of halitosis (bad breath), and if it’s left between your teeth, it will generate a bad smell in your mouth. This odor comes from the metabolism of the bacteria contained in plaque. Bad breath can also be caused by gum disease and tooth decay (which are also primarily caused by plaque). Floss to prevent tartar build-up. Tartar is actually dental plaque that has become hard from the saliva’s calcifying action. Good oral hygiene practices, which include brushing and flossing, can slow down the accumulation of tartar, but does not actually remove it. Some people produce more tartar than others. Regular dental cleanings are recommended to remove tartar. Floss to reduce the risk of heart disease. Again, the mouth is an entry point to your body for harmful bacteria that may eventually reach your organs, including cardiac tissue. Dental plaque, which contains dangerous bacteria, must be eliminated to prevent those micro-organisms from reaching the heart through the blood stream and causing heart disease complications. Floss to avoid the complications with diabetes. Scientific evidence shows that people who suffer from diabetes can have their condition complicated by gum disease. Diabetics usually have a weaker immune system and take more time to fight inflammations and infections, including the ones that start in the mouth. That’s why good oral hygiene, which includes daily brushing and flossing, is very important to prevent diseases, or disease complications, such as with diabetes.
Yes. Clinical studies show a strong relationship between dental infections and other infections in the body. We are learning that we must have good oral health in order to have good overall health. Your mouth is a doorway (or entry point) to your body. This is the ideal area for bacteria and infection to spread into other areas of your body. Studies also show a link between gum disease and heart disease as well as gum disease causing complications with diabetes.
Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontal or gum disease. Gum disease is a serious infection of the gums and bone surrounding the teeth. As the disease progresses, the bone that holds teeth in place is eroded away. Eventually this can lead to tooth loss, if the gum disease is not treated. Symptoms include: Bleeding gums (blood on toothbrush even with gentle brushing of the teeth), bright red or reddish-purple appearance to gums, gums that are tender when touched, mouth sores, swollen gums, and shiny appearance to gums. Clinical studies show a strong relationship between dental infections and other infections in the body. We are learning that we must have good oral health in order to have good overall health. Gum disease is treated in a variety of ways depending on the stage, how you have responded to earlier treatments, and your overall health. Treatments range from nonsurgical therapies that control bacterial growth to surgery to restore supportive tissues. Ask your dentist for more information on gingivitis or visit our Gum Diseases/Periodontal page.
Oral cancer is a type of cancer that occurs on the lips, inside the mouth, on the back of the throat, the tonsils or salivary glands. It occurs more frequently in men than women, and it is most likely to affect people over 40 years of age. Smoking in combination with heavy alcohol use is a key risk factor. If not detected early, oral cancer can require surgery, radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy. As with other cancers, oral cancer can also be fatal. Detecting oral cancer early improves the chances of successful treatment.
You may not be able to spot the earliest signs of oral cancer, which is why regular check-ups with both your dentist and physician are so important. Your dentist is trained to detect early warning signs of oral cancer. However, in addition to check-ups, you should see your dentist if you do notice any of the following: A sore on the lips, gums, or inside of your mouth that bleeds easily and doesn’t heal; a lump or thickening in the cheek that you can feel with your tongue; loss of feeling or numbness in any part of your mouth; white or red patches on the gums, tongue or inside of mouth; difficulty chewing or swallowing food; soreness or unexplained pain in your mouth; feeling that something is caught in your throat with no known cause; swelling of the jaw causing dentures to fit poorly; or a change in voice.
If you don’t chew or smoke tobacco — don’t start. Tobacco use accounts for the majority of oral cancers. Smoking also affects your general health, making it harder to fight infections and recover from injuries or surgery. Your oral health is also at risk every time you light up. Smoking cigarettes, a pipe or a cigar greatly increases your chances of developing cancer of the larynx, mouth, throat and esophagus. Because so many people are not aware of or ignore early symptoms, oral cancer often spreads before it is detected. It’s best to avoid smoking cigarettes, cigars or pipes, chewing tobacco or dipping snuff. People who stop using tobacco, even after many years of use, greatly reduce their risk for oral cancer. Chronic and/or heavy use of alcohol also increases your risk of oral cancer, and alcohol combined with tobacco creates an especially high risk.
After a diagnosis has been made, a team of specialists (including an oral surgeon and dentist) develops a treatment plan to fit each patient’s needs. Surgery is usually required, followed by radiation and chemotherapy. It’s important to see a dentist who’s familiar with the changes these therapies may cause in the mouth.
When radiation therapy is used for the head and neck area, many people experience irritation in the mouth, dry mouth, difficulty in swallowing and changes in taste. Radiation also increases the chances of getting cavities, that’s why it is especially important to take good care of your teeth, gums, mouth and throat during radiation treatment. Be sure to talk regularly with your cancer specialist and dentist about any mouth problems you might have during and after radiation treatment. Also, discuss with your dentist, prior to starting head and neck cancer therapy, what you can do before, during and after your therapy to help prevent the possible oral side effects.
Be sure to brush with a soft toothbrush after meals and floss daily. Avoid spices and coarse foods like raw vegetables, dry crackers and nuts. Also avoid tobacco and alcohol. Eat or chew sugar-free gum or candy to keep your mouth moist. Before starting radiation therapy, notify your dentist and make an appointment for a complete checkup. Ask your dentist to consult with your radiation oncologist before your radiation treatment begins.
Any injury to the teeth or gums can be potentially serious and should not be ignored even if you are not currently experiencing pain. Ignoring a dental problem can increase the risk of permanent damage as well as the need for more extensive (and expensive) treatment later on. If you feel you are in need of urgent assistance please contact your dentist immediately and/or visit your closest emergency care facility. Our Dental Emergencies page has a basic summary of the first steps to take when dealing with some common dental problems.

We recommend scheduling your child’s dental appointments every six months.  We will do an oral exam, clean your child’s teeth and apply fluoride at each of these appointments.

At about 6 months, the two lower front teeth (central incisors) will typically erupt first, followed shortly by the two upper central incisors.  The remainder of the baby teeth appear during the next 18 to 24 months, but not necessarily in an orderly sequence from front to back.  At 2 to 3 years, all of these 20 primary teeth should be present.

Sore gums and jaws when teeth erupt are part of the normal eruption process.  The discomfort is eased for some children by use of a teething biscuit, a piece of toast, or a frozen teething ring.  Your pharmacy may also have medications that can be rubbed on the gums to reduce the discomfort.

A toothbrush with soft bristles and a very small head is the best choice for infants and toddlers.  Brushing at least once a day, at bedtime, will remove plaque bacteria that can lead to decay.

We recommend using fluoride toothpaste when your child's first baby molars emerge.  At this stage, it is important to limit the amount to a smear of toothpaste.  As your child grows and becomes more comfortable spitting, the amount should increase to about the size of a pea.

Thumb and pacifier habits that go on for a long period of time can create crowded and crooked teeth or bite problems.  If children are still sucking their thumbs or fingers when the permanent teeth arrive, a mouth appliance may be recommended by your dentist. Most children stop these habits on their own.

We recommend replacing your child’s toothbrush every three to four months, or if the bristles are noticeably worn.  Also, if your child gets sick, replace the toothbrush after he/she is well again.

Yes! Remember, your child will likely need your help to floss.  It is an important habit to start.  Encourage your child to floss at least once a day.

To comfort your child, rinse his/her mouth with warm salt water and apply a cold compress or ice wrapped in a cloth on your child's face if it is swollen.  Do not put heat on the sore area. See us as soon as possible.

Four things are necessary for cavities to form -- a tooth, bacteria, sugars or other carbohydrates and time.  Dental plaque is a thin, sticky, colorless deposit of bacteria that constantly forms on everyone's teeth.  When you eat, the sugars in your food cause the bacteria in plaque to produce acids that attack the tooth enamel.  With time and repeated acid attacks, the enamel breaks down and a cavity forms.

Primary, or "baby," teeth are important for many reasons.  Not only do they help children speak clearly and chew naturally, they also aid in forming a path that permanent teeth can follow when they are ready to erupt.  Some of them are necessary until a child is 12 years old or longer.  Pain, infection of the gums and jaws, impairment of general health and premature loss of teeth are just a few of the problems that can happen when baby teeth are neglected.

All of our practices use digital x-rays.  The amount of radiation received in a digital dental x-ray is extremely small, much less than conventional dental x-rays.  Even though there is very little associated risk, our dentists are always careful to minimize the exposure of our patients to radiation.  

A mouth guard should be a top priority on your child's list of sports equipment.  Athletic mouth protectors, or mouth guards, are made of soft plastic and fit comfortably to the shape of the upper teeth.  They protect a child's teeth, lips, cheeks, and gums from sports-related injuries.  Any mouth guard works better than no mouth guard, but a custom-fitted mouth guard fitted by our dentist is your child's best protection against sports-related injuries.

Yes we have flexible financial options. Senior citizens may receive a discount on services through the Dental Care Advantage Senior program. Contact your local practice for more details.
We accept most insurance. Please visit insurance section or the local office to see which insurance is accepted. If you do not see your insurance, it is always a good idea to contact the practice and inquire directly.
We do our very best to ensure there are no surprises. Please note that insurance is an arrangement between you and your insurance company. Specific questions about your insurance and coverage should be directed to your insurance company. It is often difficult to determine exactly what your portion of your payments will be dependent on the various insurance and employer plans. It is expected that we will collect your portion of the fees at the time of service.
We collect your portion at time of service. In the event we have over-collected by accident, your account will have a credit balance. We do monitor patient accounts monthly and will contact you to determine your preferred method of refund. Please feel free to contact us immediately after you receive notice from your insurance company to request a refund as well.
You’ll be surprised how affordable quality dentistry can be! We will work with you to help you get the care you need. We offer a number of payment options, financing plans, and a discount dental program. Please visit the insurance and payment option section. Also feel free to contact your local office directly.

Western New York Dental Group’s Online Bill Pay service lets you pay your bill online and helps you access information about your customer account via a secure website which is HIPAA and PCI compliant. You will see the total of your current bill and your due date. Now, our patients can pay their bills online with a major credit card. For this service, Western New York Dental Group has partnered with Apex — a major national provider of payment processing. You can log into the Online Bill Pay system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from any computer with Internet capabilities.

With Online Bill Pay, you can:


-Make fast and secure payments online.


-View all your past statements up to 18 months.


-Schedule automatic payments for your statement balances.


-Get notified via email and text messages about new e-statements.


-Save a payment method to make future payments quicker.


-Access your account anytime 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You can enroll into Online Bill Pay using the myEasyMatch Code which is located on your paper statement. You will also need a valid email address. Follow the simple on-screen instructions to enroll. Once you have finished the enrollment process, you will receive a validation email and will need to click on the link provided to activate your online account. If the link is not activated, your Online Bill Pay enrollment will be incomplete and you will continue to receive paper statements.

The myEasyMatch code is a unique code assigned to your account. This code helps us identify your account when you enroll into Online Bill Pay or when you want to make a one-time payment. This code is located on your paper statement just below your mailing address.

All transactions are processed through a secure website and all data transactions are encrypted. You have the option of saving the financial payment information you enter (like your credit card details, etc.) so you can use the same information again when you pay your next bill. All these transactions take place in a secure environment.

All patients are eligible for the Online Bill Pay service.

There is no processing fee. Viewing your account information (amount due, due date and last payment information) and paying your bill is free of charge.

eStatements are electronic versions of your paper bills. It is a free service to all our Online Bill Pay patients. With eStatements you can view details online, access past statements and make online payments. And, so you never miss a payment, you can even choose to receive an email reminder when your bill arrives.

Once your payment is processed online, the transaction cannot be canceled. The amount you selected to pay will be credited to your account.

If you believe that you’ve made your payment and the credit is not reflected on your bill, please contact your local dental office for assistance.

No. You can pay your bill when you receive your e-statement.

Our credit card processing vendor enables us to accept both MasterCard, Visa and Discover credit and debit cards.

If you’ve made your payment online, we don’t need the stub. You may want to keep it for your own records and write your confirmation number on it.

Your online bill payment will appear on your credit card statement as a payment made on the date you made it.

If your mailing address has changed, please contact your local dental office with the correct information and we’ll update our files.

Our Dental Offices Near You

Western New York Dental Group Holland

9 North Main Street Holland NY 14080 (716) 537-2211

Western New York Dental Group Hamburg

5907 South Park Avenue Hamburg NY 14075 (716) 646-3912

Western New York Dental Group Blasdell

3860 McKinley Parkway Suite 200 Blasdell NY 14219 (716) 649-1307

Western New York Dental Group Orchard Park

3326 Southwestern Blvd Orchard Park NY 14127 Main (716) 677-4255
Fax (716) 677-4358
Orthodontics (716) 343-0847
Pediatrics (716) 209-3331

Western New York Dental Group West Seneca

800 Harlem Road Suite 400 West Seneca NY 14224 716-824-5857

Western New York Dental Group Depew

6350 Transit Road Depew NY 14043 Main (716) 206-0718
Fax (716) 206-0728
Orthodontics (716) 529-1323

Western New York Dental Group Buffalo Main St

2121 Main St Suite 310 Buffalo NY 14214 (716) 832-3108

Western New York Dental Group Buffalo Delaware Ave

2290 Delaware Ave Suite 300 Buffalo NY 14216 (716) 885-1905

Western New York Dental Group Henrietta: Jefferson Road

1300 Jefferson Road Suite 300 Rochester NY 14623 (585) 625-1250

Western New York Dental Group Williamsville - Youngs Rd

1020 Youngs Road Suite 100, Youngs Center Williamsville NY 14221 Main (716) 636-1600
Fax (716) 636-2595
Pediatrics (716) 209-3331

Western New York Dental Group Brighton: Oral Surgery/Endodontics

2024 W. Henrietta Road Suite 5J Rochester NY 14623 (585) 292-1270

Western New York Dental Group Getzville

2430 N Forest Rd Suite 200 Getzville NY 14068 (716) 636-8686
Orthodontics (716) 529-1322

Western New York Dental Group Penfield - General

43 Willow Pond Way Suites 107 Penfield NY 14526 (585) 421-8168

Western New York Dental Group Penfield-Specialty

43 Willow Pond Way Suite 112 Penfield NY 14526 (585) 421-5020

Western New York Dental Group Gates

2300 Buffalo Road Building 400 Rochester NY 14624 585-426-3020

Western New York Dental Group Tonawanda

88 Niagara Street Tonawanda NY 14150 (716) 343-6711

Western New York Dental Group Greece

1524 Ridge Road West Stoneridge Plaza Rochester NY 14615 Main (585) 865-2200

Orthodontics (585) 510-6353

Western New York Dental Group Webster

980 Ridge Road Webster NY 14580 Main (585) 667-1000

Western New York Dental Group Greece (Long Pond)

1100 Long Pond Road Suite 115 Rochester NY 14626 585-225-7790

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What Our Patients Say

  • What a team! From the reception staff to the hygienists to the doctors, everyone is warm welcoming and outstanding customer service. Building is clean and organized. They don't shame you but instead educate you on dental health. All in all, the best dentist office I have ever gone to and I won't be changing any time soon!

    Elizabeth K.


  • I'll make it short and sweet. The staff has been absolutely phenomenal, they're always quick to get me in, and I've never had a better experience anywhere else. They have two concerns, my comfort (both physical and mental) and my teeth, and it's in that order. Don't go anywhere else, if you do you're missing out

    Joshua K.


  • Love this office! Very friendly, professional Staff. My kids love the waiting area. Excellent care!

    Holly N.


  • Out of all the dentists that take my insurance, they were the only who would get me in within 24 hours for an emergency. All the rest said 3 weeks to month. I have dental anxiety but not the traditional fear of pain and needles kind. The kind that stems from over 30 years of having dental problems and no dentist ever listening to me and taking me seriously. So, I've given up. But, already in just one visit, WNY Dental has been different. I don't expect a miracle, and even if in the end, It's ....

    Amy L.


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